1) Naturopathic Doctor: Dr. Denice Moffatt.
No matter where you live, she can use kinesology to test for you. Though she lives in my area, she has clients all over the world. She specializes in helping you plan the best dietary plan for your body and blood type, where your body is struggling, and what regiments would be best to help you get to your optimum health. She does have a small stock of herbs, etc, but she will recommend places where you can get your own, make your own, etc as well.
Check out her site. It is jam packed with free stuff.
2) Chunyi Lin and Spring Forest QiGong
QiGong is a form of healing martial arts. Chunyi studied under the masters for 30 years in remote parts of China and took what he learned to create a simplified version of QiGong that was not so mystical. He also is working with a hospital in Minnesota(where he lives) and they are studying the scientific backing behind why it works.
QiGong is using the body's natural electrical system (nerves, lymphs, etc) to remove blockages that create disease or dis-ease in the body. This practice helps reoxygenate the body, open up the body's electrical channels, and has been used to even dissolve cancer in hundreds of patients.
I purchased his course and not only was able to feel the energy in my hands with some practice, but have been able to remove my husbands back pain and help my child when she's not feeling well. Check it out for yourself.
3) The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
This is a technique that I've used since I was a child. My grandmother taught me how to do it, but I didn't revisit the practice until this year. I am very sensitive to other people's energy and so when I'm in a space where people are very negative, I tend to get terrible headaches, feel anxious, and sometimes even have panic attacks.
Using this technique, I have been able to eliminate 95% of my emotional issues. This technique uses the energy meridians of the body (like acupuncture, which is a scientifically backed practice now) but without the needles and tapping to open up the blocked energy while also using positive statements to help keep your mind focused on what you want to release--from back pain to abuse. It is used in MANY psychological clinics around the United States.
Also, a breakoff of this technique is by Brad Yates. You can also "tap along" with him on youtube for free.